dialogues about the intersection of race, culture and food from the folks who make change happen!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Soul Food

 "Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food."

We feast as part of our work in communities. The idea that soul food is part of the strategy of survival, comfort and connection has not been lost in our communities.

As we move forward how can we continue to build on our traditions and heal our selves and people. We need to care for one another and find ways to create spaces that intentionally serve us in this way.

Soon, I will be hosting these dinners, and will post on the sharing and learning that is generated from each gathering.


Because food is our most primal need and our common bond to the earth and one another, it can ground us as we stretch ourselves to draw in all the interlaced threads—so we can weave a whole, meaningful picture for ourselves. I still believe food has this unique power. With food as our starting point, we can choose to meet people and to encounter events so powerful that they jar us out of our ordinary way of seeing the world, and open us to new, uplifting, and empowering possibilities. – Frances Moore Lappe and Anna Lappe, from Hope’s Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet

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